DAV Auxiliary members donate countless hours of their time to work with patience at veteran hospitals, nursing homes, clinics and domiciliaries. Some are regularly scheduled volunteers with an amazing variety of the same duties. Other share and functions organized by allows every units. Either way, nothing else says more about auxiliary members commitment serving those who have paid the price for Americans freedom.
DAV Auxiliary supports educational incentives benefiting disabled veterans and their families and his funding through national mandate to antennas donation from individual units and state departments
Many Auxiliary members are involved in non-political programs to exchange good citizenship and patriotism.
Whenever the rights and benefits of wounded, ill and injured veterans and their families are under threat, the DAV auxiliary stand strong. Now where is this more evident than in the arena of legislation affecting disabled veterans in our families. Time and again, did the auxiliary members save the day when measures being considered and Washington, dc, endangered the benefits our families need. They do it by writing the letters, sending the email making the phone calls to convince elected officials that are injured Heroes and their families deserve only the best treatments and grateful nation can provide.