Disabled American Veterans
We are dedicated to a single purpose: empowering veterans to lead a high-quality life with respect and dignity. We accomplish this by ensuring that veterans and their families can access a full range of benefits available to them, fighting for their interest of America's injured heroes on Capitol Hill and educating the public about the great sacrifices and needs of veterans transitioning back into civilian life.
Providing free, personal assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service and provided by Department of Veteran's Affairs and other agencies of government. Providing outreach and program services to the American people generally, and to disabled veterans and their families specifically.
Representing the interest of disabled veterans, their families, their widowed spouses and their orphans before congress, the White House and the judicial branch, as well as state and local government.
Extending DAV's mission with help in the communities where these veterans and their families live, through a network of state-level departments and local chapters.
Providing a structure through which disabled veterans can express their compassion for their fellow veterans through a variety of volunteer programs.
"I now declare this meeting open for the transaction of such business inmate rightfully come before it."
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Open today | 08:00 am – 12:00 pm |
Furniture donations and scheduled pick-ups call 1-800-238-8387
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